
To preserve and/or enhance the character and/or appearance of the Georgian city.


Much of the OUV (Outstanding Universal Value) in the recognition of Bath as a World Heritage Site refers to Georgian Bath. The OUV recognises the uniqueness of the Georgian built fabric of Bath, in particular the qualities of the layout, composition, architecture, use of materials, coherency of urban form and completeness of the city.

The Georgian city includes a number of regeneration sites with underused land and inappropriate modern insertions. These present an opportunity to repair the urban fabric and remove out of scale development to further enhance the character of the Georgian city.

Other Design Considerations

Buildings should take their design cues from nearby Georgian buildings in relation to scale, site coverage, built form, grain, rhythm, roof detail and form, materials and colour.

Buildings should be oriented to relate to the contours of the land.



• Building or shoulder height along streets should not be less than or exceed the prevailing cornice height of nearby Georgian buildings.

• One additional setback storey behind the parapet within the roofscape is generally acceptable. Roofscape should normally take its design cues from nearby Georgian buildings (including parapet, pitch, sub-division and materials).

• Rear extensions and buildings in interior of blocks generally should be lower than principal buildings along the street.

• The overall height should not be less than or exceed the overall prevailing height of nearby Georgian buildings.

Extracted from:
Bath Building Heights Strategy.
Produced for B&NES Council,
29 September 2010.

Part 1, Executive Summary
Part 2, The Bath Context
(PDF 17MB)
Part 3, Building Heights
Part 4, Appendices

(Will open in new windows.)


Zone 1 – the Georgian City.